img-3A home alarm system usually needs an upgrade every 5 to 10 years, as most devices may malfunction or trigger false alarms within this period.

Additionally, newer and more advanced systems would likely be available. So, upgrading your obsolete home alarm system would be a wise choice.

However, aside from age, other indicators may suggest the need to consult a security professional for a home alarm system upgrade.

Other Signs Your Home Alarm System May Need an Upgrade

See if one or two of these conditions applies to you. If yes, then it’s probably time to swap them for a new system.

1. You still have a landline or wired alarm system.

Wired connections offer stability and are less susceptible to interferences. However, they are less flexible and difficult to install. Additionally, wired devices are vulnerable to tampering by burglars, prone to wear and tear, and at risk of water damage.

These issues suggest that replacements or repairs may be frequent with wired devices. Upgrading to a wireless home alarm system can help you avoid them. It is also more cost-effective and easier to install.

2. You cannot integrate the latest devices with your existing alarm system.

Some homeowners would buy modern alarm devices to integrate into their current setup. If you’re on a tight budget but want an upgrade, this option is better and cheaper.

However, it may be challenging or even impossible to do so if your alarm system is too outdated.
Modern security cameras or detectors may not be compatible with your monitoring app. Obsolete wired devices may not work with your Wi-Fi-enabled system.

In this case, a complete system upgrade, often available at more affordable bundle prices, is your best option.

Just make sure the inclusions of your chosen alarm system package meet your specific security and automation needs.


3. You moved into a house or apartment with a pre-existing alarm system.

Moving into a home with a functioning alarm system is a great convenience that can save you time and money.

However, if the house or apartment is older, its installed devices may be outdated. Also, it can be hard to know if the previous homeowner maintained the system well.

You could ask the homeowner for a maintenance record. However, if it is not available, it’s best to call a reliable service provider for a system assessment.

They can thoroughly inspect your alarm system and recommend the best ways to upgrade it.

If you are a home renter, you may find this list of portable and non-invasive automation solutions helpful.

4. You want to secure your home with the latest technology.

Modern alarm systems offer unparalleled convenience. With various automation products linked to your smartphone, you can check alerts or adjust settings with just a few taps.

When something triggers a sensor, you can quickly confirm if an emergency needs your attention.

You can manage your HVAC, control the lights, and lock or unlock doors whenever needed. All these tasks become effortless when you upgrade to a modern home alarm system.

Aside from convenience, modern automation also provides other benefits that an obsolete system may not. These include improved camera resolution, remote monitoring, face or fingerprint recognition, or two-way audio communication.

5. Your existing home alarm system relies on manual updates.

Another reason why modern alarm systems are more convenient is because they perform software updates.

Ageing alarm devices typically need manual updates to function without issues. However, homeowners may not know how to do it or forget about it. Either can compromise your home safety and security.

On the other hand, one tap is all it takes to update your modern alarm. Doing this ensures that your system is free from threats or bugs that may cause devices to malfunction.


6. Your family setup or lifestyle has changed.

Have you started a new job that requires frequent travelling? Maybe your family is growing, and monitoring your kids has become difficult. Does your grandmother or elderly parent visit you occasionally?

All these changing home setups require alarm systems that are flexible and easy to customise. Unfortunately, traditional or old devices usually lack this feature.

In that case, a home alarm system upgrade is what you need. With modern devices, you can quickly change your automation and security settings according to your current lifestyle or habits.

You can remotely check on your home to ensure everything is safe. Leaving the kids or elderly members home alone for a while is not a problem either when you have cameras and sensors working 24/7.

Keep Your Home Alarm System Up to Date

Home automation and security devices are excellent when they are in working condition. However, like other electronics or gadgets, they can become outdated and stop functioning.

Luckily, manufacturers constantly introduce new and more modern automation products. So, to enjoy the full benefits of a secure home, consider upgrading your alarm system every 5 years or so. Also, use and maintain your devices properly to keep them in good shape for a long time.

If you want to check and upgrade your home alarm system, call Canny Electrics today at 1300 522 446. Our team will gladly help you equip your house with the best automated and security solutions.