img-3Every household has unique safety needs. Some live alone and want peace of mind, while others have to protect kids or elderly family members.

Luckily, several automated alarm systems are available to strengthen your home security. The problem is, which one should you buy and install?

To answer this question, here is a step-by-step guide to help you choose the right home alarm system based on your property and budget.

Step 1: Assess Your Home

The first step in choosing your ideal home alarm system is to study your property inside and out. These questions can help you during the assessment.

What is the location and size of my house?

It’s best to choose a durable and weather-resistant system if you live in an area prone to storms, bushfires, or similar environmental concerns, it’s best to choose a durable and weather-resistant system. The number and sophistication of your automated alarms also rely on your coverage needs (e.g. a large home will require more or highly advanced devices). Our article on automation based on home types has more details.

How vulnerable is my house to security risks?

It’s crucial to evaluate the security of your home and identify any potential risks. Start by examining the types and positions of your windows, doorways, and other access points. Also, consider your overall community safety. Additionally, know how safe your neighbourhood is by researching recent crime statistics.

What do I need to protect?

It could be the house, possessions inside the home, yourself, your loved ones, or a combination. Some alarm systems work best for single homeowners, while others are ideal for families with kids or elderly members. Home automation service providers usually offer alarm system packages, so knowing your house setup can help you make the best decisions.

Do I have any existing home alarm devices installed?

If your home already has a fire, access control, or intercom system, check if you can integrate them with new devices. Buying a few home alarms for integration is more practical, especially if your budget is tight.


Step 2: Identify the Type of Home Alarm System You Need

When deciding on an alarm system for your home, it’s important to assess your needs and preferences to narrow down your options. Here are some common types of alarms and sensors to consider:


For doors, windows, and other entry points. Depending on the model, the device can give local or remote alerts.


Best for large properties, especially when owners want to monitor and secure the boundaries of their homes.


Protect you and your home against destructive fire-related incidents and gas leaks.


Ideal for flood-prone areas. However, installing one in your kitchen, bathroom, garage, or basement can protect your home from dangerous and expensive water damage.


Monitor temperature and air moisture to maintain a comfortable and safe indoor environment. They are helpful for home occupants with certain health conditions.


Integrated devices for comprehensive security.

You can trim your alarm system options further by evaluating the features and control mechanisms of automated devices. For example, some need a stable Wi-Fi connection to work. Others can be operated via a control panel or mobile app.

Make sure to choose according to your needs and preferences.


Step 3: Determine Your Budget

Installing the best alarm system for your home is a worthy investment, as it will keep you away from potentially more expensive problems.

However, you don’t have to spend on the most high-end devices if your home only requires affordable security systems.

When you’re trying to balance home security and cost, keep the following factors in mind:


If you do not need remote monitoring, perhaps a simple device with a control panel is more practical. However, if you leave your home vacant often, spending more for a smart home is the better choice. Remember to match your system with your lifestyle and the common issues you want home alarms to address.

  • MORE vs LESS

The more alarms you install, the higher the price tag. So, always match it with the house type and size.


Wired systems are more reliable but require more tedious installation, making them more expensive. However, if your home has access to stable Wi-Fi, it’s better to go for the less costly wireless devices.


A professionally installed alarm system may cost extra, but it is also more secure and Australian standard compliant. Also, some home alarm providers offer wholesale pricing. Still, the DIY option makes more sense if you live in a small home.

Choose a Home Alarm System That Matches Your Needs

There is no one-size-fits-all solution when choosing a home alarm system. Everything should suit your home, needs, and budget.

Hopefully, this guide helped you design your ideal home alarm system. However, if you still require professional advice, contact Canny Electrics at 1300 522 446.

We are here to address all your home automation and security needs, from assessment to installation to maintenance.