img-3A smart home has two core components: the automation controls and the system.

Home automation control types are the buttons, switches, or devices you use to lock your doors, switch on lights, adjust the thermostat, and more. On the other hand, a home automation system is a collection of controls you can manipulate via wired or wireless applications.

Understanding automation controls and systems is crucial when designing or improving your smart home. It ensures that your automated setup works and delivers seamlessly.

Let’s explore these two mechanisms more so you can make better home automation choices.

Different Types of Home Automation Controls

Here are a few ways to control your smart home:


    Buttons, switches, and dials to interact directly with automated devices. These suit users who prefer the traditional over the digital approach.


    Intuitive, hands-free technology that lets you control smart devices by speaking commands aloud.


    Handy mechanisms to manipulate or monitor automated devices anywhere and anytime. These are best for users with busy lifestyles or overseas work.


    Intelligent technologies that automatically detect and respond to environmental changes. Some examples are motion, light, and humidity sensors.


    Interpret and respond to preset hand or body movements. These touchless controls are helpful when physical contact or voice commands are impossible.


    Found in smart devices that allow automated scheduling. For example, they can turn on lights or adjust indoor temperature based on the time of day.


    Hubs that connect and operate multiple devices. These simplified one-stop interfaces remove the need for several apps or physical switches.


    Found in more advanced devices are extra intelligent and intuitive. These study user behaviour, routines, or preferences, allowing them to anticipate your needs.

building a smart home

Different Types of Home Automation Systems

Here’s a table describing the means to transmit signals and commands within your smart home.

Automation System How It Works Pros Cons
Wired Uses power lines and network cables for connection Less susceptible to inferences, more secure and reliable transmission speed Complex, costly, and time-consuming to install, not very flexible
Wireless Uses Wi-Fi, radio waves, Bluetooth, and apps for connection Easy to install, highly scalable, more flexible Vulnerable to connectivity and cybersecurity issues

You can learn more about these systems from our wired vs wireless home automation article.

Considerations When Choosing the Type of Home Automation Control and System

It’s clear that you have several home automation options to choose from.

The best way to narrow them down is to assess your house and identify your needs. You can focus on the following factors when deciding.

1. Type and size of your home

Design your home automation setup according to your living space.

For example, are you staying in an apartment? Perhaps a wireless system is better to avoid tedious structural modifications.

Also, apartments typically have many building restrictions or requirements that you can easily skip with a wireless setup.

But if you are in a small family home, you may benefit more from physical controls and wired systems for more stable connections. On the contrary, installing a wireless system with centralised controls is ideal for luxury homes or estates.

2. Budget limit

One of the most important deciding factors when choosing your home automation control and system is your financial resources.

The type, number, and quality of automation devices have corresponding prices. The installation costs of a wired or wireless system also vary.

It’s vital to balance your budget with your purpose for automation. For example, the higher upfront cost of wired automation is worth it if you’re after secure and reliable connections.

evaluate needs and finances

3. Needs and preferences

You don’t have to equip your home with every automation device available. Limit your choices to devices that you need.

To do this, we suggest assessing your house first and identifying the problems you want to solve with automation.

For instance, to boost your home security, look for security cameras or smart door locks, then decide how you want to control these devices.

Do you want remote monitoring through a mobile app? Maybe you need something more intuitive, like an AI-powered alert system.

4. Household habits and lifestyle

Your automation control and system should fit your home routine and residents. That way, interacting with your chosen devices is always convenient.

For example, if you are often away from home, consider setting up a smart home that you can remotely control via your smartphone or tablet.

On the other hand, if you have children at home, kid-friendly and engaging voice assistants may be a better option. You can also consider your pets’ needs when designing your smart home.

Similarly, if you have seniors in the family, designing a smart home that enhances their security and well-being is a wise choice. Maybe they’ll feel more comfortable using smart devices with conventional hands-on control.

Enjoy Full Control of Your Smart Home

Choosing the best control or system for home automation can be complicated. However, now that you know the options available, designing a convenient smart home should be a breeze.

Make this task even simpler by calling Canny Electrics on 1300 522 446.

Our team are experts in the intricacies of every home automation control and system. We’ll be happy to help you with the assessment up to the installation and maintenance of your smart home.